Haven Harbour Marina and Haven Harbour South have joined a new ShoreRivers initiative to help keep our local waterways free of debris and litter.
ShoreRivers is a nonprofit organization working to improve the health of Eastern Shore waterways through science-based advocacy, restoration and education. ShoreRivers was formed in 2017 when the Chester River Association (CRA), Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy (MRC) and Sassafras River Association (SRA) merged to create this multi-county group. Their staff of educators, scientists, restoration specialists and advocates have a core focus on improving the health of the Chester, Choptank, Sassafras, Miles and Wye rivers, as well as the Eastern Bay and various bayside creeks throughout our area.
The organization has recently started a campaign targeted at recreational users of our waterways. Their "Don't Paddle Past It" program encourages kayakers, paddleboarders and boaters to remove litter from our waterways when seen. Haven Harbour Marina and Haven Harbour South have joined the regional effort, along with Easton Point and Port of Chestertown marinas, by supplying bags and posting informative signage at our facilities for the collection of waterway pollution. Picked-up litter can also be properly disposed of at our various on-property trash receptacles.
Learn more about the ShoreRivers organization and their current programs and projects at shorerivers.org.
FEATURED PHOTO: Informative signage and garbage bag dispensers have been installed at various points on our properties.
As of late a seasonal locale, Rock Hall is giving nearby Chestertown a run for their money in terms of number of open, year-round dining establishments.