Haven Harbour Marina Resorts has adopted one mile of MD-20 between Ricauds Branch Road and Shipyard Lane in Rock Hall as new participants in the Maryland State Highway Administration's (MDOT SHA) Adopt-A-Highway program.
The decision to participate was greatly motivated by our interest in and advocation for a cleaner environment.
"It's important for businesses, particularly one of our size and nature, to give back not only to our surrounding community but to the local environment as well," said Sawyer Cornelius, marketing manager at Haven Harbour. "This program allows us to do both, while also serving as a starting point for increased community involvement over the coming years."
SHA mandates participating companies and organizations to maintain their assigned portions of public roadway at least four times each year, supplying participants with safety vests, gloves, bags, signs and litter removal service to complete pick-ups in a safe and efficient manner.
"A mix of office and yard staff will see that our participation in this program is a successful one – myself included," added Sawyer.
Employees will be conducting litter removals once every October, November, February and March in alternating shifts. Removals will be scheduled on paid-time during company business hours.
As of late a seasonal locale, Rock Hall is giving nearby Chestertown a run for their money in terms of number of open, year-round dining establishments.