Our ongoing response to COVID-19

Haven Harbour Marina Resorts • June 12, 2020
Illustration of the COVID-19 virus
Note: This is an evolving story. See below the latest update made 6/12/2020.

March 17, 2020 – As it has always been, the safety and security of our guests and staff remains our highest priority. We take great pride in maintaining the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene.

In response to the coronavirus (COVID-19), we have taken additional measures to make our cleaning and hygiene protocols more rigorous. The frequency of cleaning our public areas and all guest rooms and suites has been increased. In addition, we have heightened deployment of antibacterial hand sanitizers throughout our marina and inn facilities for use by our staff, customers and guests.

We will continue to monitor this situation and make changes as needed in accordance with national and state health recommendations and sanctions.

Wishing good health and safety to all our valued slipholders, service and storage customers, guests and visitors during this time of uncertainty. Thank you.

March 23, 2020 – By executive order of Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, our offices and facilities will close effective Monday, March 23 at 5:00 p.m. ET and remain closed until further notice. Please visit coronavirus.maryland.gov for the latest information.
  • All offices and facilities, including restrooms, fuel dock and marine goods, are closed indefinitely. All incoming calls made after 5:00 p.m. ET Monday, March 23 will be directed to an automated voicemail messaging system indefinitely.
  • While access to the boatyards at Haven Harbour Marina (HHM) and Haven Harbour South (HHS) will remain open, we encourage all winter storage customers to follow health guidelines and stay at home. We will be inspecting facilities daily.
  • We cannot guarantee office employees will be monitoring their email accounts nor physically mailed letters, checks and other materials. However, for essential business and emergency purposes only, messages to email@havenharbour.com will be checked daily and responded to if necessary.
  • We will not be accepting new Inn at Haven Harbour reservations nor transient dockage requests to HHM and HHS at this time, and will be cancelling and refunding said reservations that have been made for the next two weeks.
We continue to wish good health and safety to all our valued slipholders, service and storage customers, guests and visitors during this time of uncertainty. Thank you.

March 25, 2020 – Due to clarification provided by the Kent County Economic office, our boatyard and yacht services department will resume non-public operations effective Wednesday, March 25 at 8:00 a.m. ET. The Inn at Haven Harbour is reopened to the public and will begin accepting new reservations going forward.
  • Offices will resume operation as normal, however access to marine goods and fuel dock will remain closed to the public indefinitely. For parts assistance, please contact us during regular business hours at (410) 778-6697 for payment and on-property delivery.
  • Please keep in mind that we are operating on a reduced staff, as employees have been asked to work only if they are healthy, able and willing.
  • As requested by Governor Larry Hogan, customers who are from or have recently visited the New York Tri-state area (New York, New Jersey and Connecticut) will not be permitted access to our properties and are recommended to self-quarantine at home for a minimum of 14 days.
Though our yacht services department remains in operation, we continue to urge all customers and visitors to heed the mandates posted by area governors and stay at home. We will continue to monitor this situation and make changes as needed in accordance with national and state health recommendations and sanctions. Thank you.

March 30, 2020 – By executive order of Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, all residents who are not considered essential by their work or whose work is not considered an essential business are ordered to stay at home. How does this effect Haven Harbour Marina Resorts?
  • As a business, the decision to close is never made lightly. Our closing was decided following Governor Hogan’s press conference and based on the advice and clarification from the Kent County Economic Development office that only those marinas providing fuel and/or service to essential transportation or commercial vessels are allowed to remain in operation. As Haven Harbour Marina Resorts is not currently repairing or servicing any essential transportation or commercial vessels, it was clarified and advised by an official from the Kent County Economic Development office that under Governor Hogan’s executive order we would therefore not be considered an essential business and should not be open or operating at this time.
  • Access to our properties, including both Haven Harbour Marina (HHM) and Haven Harbour South (HHS) boatyards as well as the Inn at Haven Harbour, is prohibited effective Monday, March 30 at 5:00 p.m. ET. This closure includes all offices, restrooms, fuel dock and marine goods.
  • A daily boatyard check will be conducted at both HHM and HHS by essential personnel only.
  • All incoming calls made after 5:00 p.m. ET Monday, March 30 will be directed to an automated voicemail messaging system indefinitely.
  • We cannot guarantee office employees will be monitoring their email accounts nor physically mailed letters, checks and other materials. However, for essential business and emergency purposes only, messages to email@havenharbour.com will be checked occasionally and responded to if necessary.
As a business, we greatly appreciate the continued support and patience that has been given by our customers and guests during such a busy time of year. We hope that a solution to this crisis and a return to normalcy are well on their way, and continue to wish the best of health and safety to you all. Thank you.

April 20, 2020 – As the COVID-19 pandemic has evolved, we have remained in contact with both the State of Maryland and the Kent County Economic Development office. With recent clarification about what activities are considered safe and in alignment with social distancing directives, we have resumed limited non-customer facing operations, such as spring commissioning and necessary repair work.

Marina facilities, including the Marine Store, remain closed to customers and the general public until such time that the Governor allows them to reopen. The guidance we have received suggests the recreational boating ban will be lifted in May.

In the meantime, we have limited essential members of management available to answer your questions and to schedule commissioning activities in advance of the expected reopening of recreational boating. Thank you all again for your patience and understanding during these challenging times.

May 7, 2020 – Following Maryland Governor Larry Hogan’s press conference yesterday, Wednesday, May 6, the ban on recreational boating has been lifted and marinas throughout the state are able to reopen to the public with certain precautions. What can our customers expect when visiting?
  • While on Haven Harbour Marina or Haven Harbour South property, perform standard social distancing practices with members of your party, fellow boaters and Haven Harbour Marina Resorts employees. Groups should not congregate, especially on piers or in public areas. We ask all customers and visitors to join our staff in wearing protective facial masks when interacting with other persons.
  • The Marine Store and offices remain closed to the public, however cashless transactions for goods and statement payments, as well as curbside delivery for parts and products, is available to visiting slipholders and customers.
  • Restrooms, fuel dock and Inn at Haven Harbour facilities are open to the public, but we ask that all CDC guidelines are followed by patrons accordingly.
  • If planning a visit, please be self-sufficient by packing your own sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, masks and other personal protective equipment.
  • Note that if you have requested service to your vessel following recent personal use, we will not be able to board the vessel until three (3) days following said use. We are sensitive to your needs and will do everything within our power to provide superior service, but are taking necessary steps for the protection of our team.
For the health and safety of our town, we kindly ask that our slipholders and customers are respectful when visiting area stores and places of business by heeding state-mandated social distancing practices and facial mask requirements.

We join you all in the excitement of our reopening, especially as the 2020 season begins. However, now more than ever, the following of the above protocol, CDC guidelines and government mandates is critical, as the slightest increase in coronavirus (COVID-19) hospitalizations could lead to a reverse in the recreational boating ban lift.

May 29, 2020 – Following Maryland Governor Larry Hogan’s press conference Wednesday, May 28, the easing of other restrictions on outdoor activities, such as swimming pools and dining, was made effective beginning today at 5:00 p.m. ET. At this moment in time:
  • The Marine Store and offices at both Haven Harbour Marina and Haven Harbour South are open to the public. All patrons must wear a protective facial mask, practice social distancing and be aware that only a limited number of customers can be inside at any given time.
  • Now permitted by the State of Maryland, the main and adult pools at Haven Harbour Marina are open effective 5:00 p.m. ET today. Our coronavirus (COVID-19) bather load is 26 persons for the main pool and 8 for the adult pool. Patrons are required to sign-in and out of the pool area, in addition to wearing masks when not in the water. Toys such as noodles, rafts and balls are not permitted. All patrons must social distance. Pool hours remain the same: 8:00 a.m.–Dusk daily.
  • The pool at Haven Harbour South will be opening shortly with similar policies and a respective COVID-19 bather load.
  • Restroom, fuel dock and Inn at Haven Harbour facilities are open to the public, but we ask that all CDC guidelines are followed by patrons accordingly
All previously mentioned social distancing guidelines and protocol still apply while visiting or staying at our properties. If you have questions, comments or concerns, please contact us during regular business hours.

June 12, 2020 – Following Maryland Governor Larry Hogan’s press conference Wednesday, June 10, the easing of restrictions on outdoor activities, such as swimming pools and indoor dining, was made effective beginning today at 5:00 p.m. ET. Recent developments in the Governor's multi-stage recovery plan and their impact on our customers include:
  • The main and adult pools at Haven Harbour Marina, as well as the pool at Haven Harbour South, are open and operating at 50 percent capacity. These capacities (40 persons at HHM main, 13 at HHM adult and 32 at HHS) are posted at all pool entrances. Patrons are required to sign-in and out of the pool area, in addition to wearing masks when not in the water. Toys such as noodles, rafts and balls are not permitted. All patrons must social distance. Pool hours remain the same: 8:00 a.m.–Dusk daily.
  • Please be conscientious of others when passing on piers by wearing protective facial equipment and maintaining social distancing whenever possible. Congregating on piers and in other public areas on our properties is prohibited until further notice.
All previously mentioned social distancing guidelines and protocol still apply while visiting or staying at our properties. If you have questions, comments or concerns, please contact us during regular business hours. Thank you.
FEATURED PHOTO: Announcement regarding our response to COVID-19.
Press contact
Sawyer Cornelius
Marketing Manager
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